Health News
How Ethnicity Affects Cancer Risk
Your ethnicity may be a factor in your cancer risk.
Smoking May Be Even Riskier Than Once Thought
Smokers, it’s never too late to quit — and there may now be even more good reasons to do so.
Weighing the Risk of Breast Cancer from Smoking
Smoking increases the risk of getting many kinds of cancers. In the case of breast cancer, smoking combined with other factors can make that risk much greater.

Healthy Habits After You Hit 40
Most doctors will say that your 40's are an important time for preventing health problems. Here’s some tips that can help you stay healthy.
Drinking Could Be Cancerous for Young Women
It is certainly not uncommon for women to try alcohol during their teen years. And partying during college is almost the norm. But alcohol use during these years could be dangerous for some young women.
Watch Your Booze Ladies
There is a world of difference between having a cocktail and binging drinking. The body was not designed to process excessive alcohol in short periods of time. Specifcally with women.
Older Women Up Cancer Ante by Smoking
The younger a smoker is that decides to quit, obviously the better for their health. Women in their golden years can receive immediate benefits from quitting.