Health News

Something in the Air: Spring Allergies
Most people love it when winter ends and spring arrives. But for some, the changing of the season can mean troublesome spring allergies.

Coping with Winter Allergies
It's winter and, just like clockwork, you’re back sniffling again. But before you write off that stuffy nose as just another cold, you may want to consider that the culprit could actually be winter allergies.

Coping with Winter Allergies
It’s getting chilly out and, just like clockwork, you’re back sniffling again. But before you write off that stuffy nose as just another cold, you may want to consider that the culprit could actually be winter allergies.

Severe Allergic Reactions at School: Are You Prepared?
For the 1 in 13 children who have food allergies, being prepared can make all the difference.

We Answered Your Medication Questions
You asked and we answered. Find out the answers to three common questions pharmacists receive.

Are You Prepared for Allergy Season?
When spring is in full swing, allergy season isn't far behind. But what can patients do to help keep themselves allergy-free this season?

A New Treatment for Hay Fever
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new treatment for hay fever.

Nasal Allergy Rx to Go OTC
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a prescription allergy medication to be used without a prescription.

FDA Issues Warning About 'Benadryl Challenge'
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a safety warning for a common allergy medicine.

It's Official: Asthma Rx Gets Strongest Warning
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the strongest possible warning for a common asthma medication.