Health News

COVID Vaccine for Young Kids May Be Coming Soon
Children younger than 5 years old may be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine soon.

The Truth About Vaccines
Myths about vaccines are widespread. These misconceptions often cause people to skip important, potentially lifesaving vaccines.
A Way to Protect Babies from the Flu
For babies younger than 6 months, influenza vaccination has not been proven to be successful. But a new study found a different way to protect babies from the flu.
Preventive Care Lacking for US Kids
Preventing illness in children is often much easier than treating a disease. But new reports warned that many US kids may not be getting full preventive care.
Back-to-School Health
Parents around the country are gearing up to take their kids back to school for a new year. Make sure they're healthy when the learning begins.
Do Vaccine Exemptions Make Sense?
Vaccines have commonly been considered victims of their own success. Parents no longer see the disease outbreaks, so they lose sight of vaccines' importance.
Good News About US Children
Ready for some good news about kids today? An annual federal report on children's well-being in the US has a lot of it, from birth outcomes to school performance to deaths.
Possible Measles Exposure in Three U.S. Airports
Health officials are attempting to track travelers who may have been exposed to measles after a passenger who was contagious passed through three major U.S. airports recently.
Certain Vaccines May Help Guard Against Childhood Cancer
Children vaccinated against hepatitis B might be at a lower risk of developing leukemia, according to a new study.