Health News

Approved: First Rx for Thyroid Eye Disease
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first-ever medication for thyroid eye disease.

An Oral Solution for Underactive Thyroid
After decades, a new form of the popular thyroid medication levothyroxine is now available in the United States.
Thyroid Screening in Pregnancy May Be Unnecessary
Treating mildly low thyroid function during pregnancy might not be worth the trouble, according to a new study.

Thyroid Disease
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland inside the neck that produces two hormones that travel throughout the body. A thyroid that is overactive (producing too much thyroid hormone) results in a disorder called hyperthyroidism. Likewise, a thyroid that is underactive (producing too little thyroid hormone) results in a disorder called hypothyroidism. Read on for more about the symptoms of hyper- and hypothyroid disease.
No Thyroid Symptoms? No Thyroid Screening
Unless you’re pregnant or experiencing symptoms, thyroid screening is one medical test that's probably OK to skip.
Some Growths Do No Harm
Panic may be the first response for some patients who discover they have a growth. Many growths in the thyroid gland, however, don't go on to cause harm.
Thyroid Screening for At-Risk Women May Help Pregnancy
Decorate the baby's room, buy baby clothes, plan for the baby's future. Planning for pregnancy can be hectic, but many women may want to ask their doctor about one more thing: thyroid screening.
Jury Still Out on Vitamin D Screening
Knowing which medical screenings and tests are worthwhile can be difficult. The jury is still out on one such screening for a vitamin deficiency.
Common Diabetes Rx May Affect Thyroid Function
People who have type 2 diabetes and a sluggish thyroid may need to watch the medication they take to control their blood sugar.
Sick Days More Common in People With Thyroid Disorders
A person's quality of life can be significantly affected by thyroid problems. New research looked to the workplace to see just how much thyroid disease can impact a person's life.