Health News

Even With Exercise, Lounging Isn't Always Good
Staying active is a key part of any healthy lifestyle. By the same token, spending too much time sitting may be harmful to your health.
Take Care With OTC Medications
Over-the-counter(OTC) medications are safe when used according to directions. However, over-doses of some OTC drugs can happen and cause various health issues.
Excessive & Compulsive Internet Use
Can too much time on the Internet lead to depression and loneliness? Is the Internet addictive? Internet use has carved out a niche of research in communication and psychology.
Does Education Equal a Longer Life?
Go to school, get educated and as a result, get a good job. This is a life pattern taught to many growing up in the United States. But new research is showing that this pattern may have an unintended benefit - a longer life.
When Cancer Drug Trials Are Flawed
Chemotherapy drugs like docetaxel stop or slow cancer cell growth. Adding another medication to the chemo that blocks blood vessel growth may help patients live longer.
Undertreated Suicidal Thoughts in Teens
Teenagers have their entire lives ahead of them. Thoughts, plans or attempts with suicide are wasted energy and deserve the attention of professional mental healthcare providers.
Gene Points to Donated Kidney Rejection
While kidney transplants can save lives, not every transplanted organ survives the test of time. Now, researchers have found a new sign that may help predict which donated kidneys will survive for the long haul.
Exercise Slows Early Aging
We all grow older, but not necessarily at the same pace. According to recent research, the cardiovascular system (heart and related organs) of patients with type 2 diabetes may age sooner than those without diabetes.
Currying Favor Against Cancer
Turmeric is the pungent, pumpkin colored spice that gives curry its distinctive color and taste. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.
Hormone Tied to Three Deadly Diseases
Your body is linked together through a complex system we still know little about. As such, diseases are related in ways still unknown. Now, researchers have pinpointed a hormone linked to three deadly diseases.