Health News

Hacking Into A Cancer Network
Some cancers tend to reappear after treatment. Liver cancer is one of them, and at this point, there’s no way to prevent this from happening. An early study has discovered a network of molecules that could be hacked into to keep liver cancer from developing.
Syndrome Affects Vision But Not Eyesight
Imagine being able to see an object, but not be able to reach for it, identify it or understand it in context of its surroundings. For those living with Balint’s syndrome, this is an everyday reality that changes their entire way of life.
Tech Helps Elderly Cancer Patients Live Longer
Cancer can be one of the most difficult things to live with, and for those fighting it at 80, treatments can be even more trying.
Botox for Your Bladder
Say bye-bye to the wrinkles, and to the need to visit the toilet all the time.
Baby Language Linked to Mom’s Mood
One of the concerns about taking antidepressants while pregnant is the possible effects on the baby. Surprisingly, these medications may help a baby's language development.
The Value of the Rotavirus Vaccine
The best reason to vaccinate your children is to protect them from disease. Comparing the time before a vaccine to the time afterward shows how effective those shots are.
Bad News Increases Sensitivity to Stress
The news is full of stories of the bad things that people do. Have you ever wondered how this news can affect your emotions? It may create a heightened susceptibility to stress, but only in women.
Nabbing Oral Cancer Before It Develops
Diagnosing cancer that occurs in the mouth – oral cancer – generally happens later rather than earlier. A biopsy is usually performed on already established tumors. Testing mouth lesions before cancer starts shouting would be ideal.
What 132 Billion Data Points Per Patient Mean
Whole genome sequencing, or WGS , spells out all 3 billion letters in the human genome. It’s being used now to learn more about pancreatic cancer, and the findings may change the outlook for this disease.
Average First Stroke Age Dropping
As people live longer, the average age of the population may be increasing, but stroke still appears to be affecting individuals at a younger age.