Health News

Know Thy Neighbor… and His Parents
Teenagers' parents can make a difference in whether their kids drink, smoke or use marijuana, based on past research. But the parents of teens' friends play a part too.
Run for the Bathroom
Marathon runners face more than just 'the wall' and shin splints when race day comes around. Bladder health sneaks under the radar for some runners.
Misdiagnosis is Common for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Delayed diagnosis is common in those with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease ( CJD ). Understanding the most common CJD misdiagnoses and how often they occur can help doctors more efficiently identify the disease.
Diabetic Eye Damage Tied to Ethnicity
From your head to your toes, diabetes can cause problems throughout the body. Even your eyes can be affected by diabetes.
Drug Fails to Prolong Cancer Patient Lives
A drug often used to treat kidney and liver cancer may also fight a type of lung cancer. New research, though, shows that it does not extend the lives of lung cancer patients.
Exercise Away Diabetic Breast Cancer
Some studies have linked diabetes to an increased risk of breast cancer. It is also known that exercise is key to preventing and managing diabetes. So, can exercise also lower the risk of breast cancer in diabetic women?
Got the Kidneys Under Control
The lives of patients with kidney problems oftentimes revolve around their treatments, especially for those having to travel to get the care they need.
R-Rating For Smoking?
Movie ratings help people make informed decisions about exposing minors to language, violence, sex and other adult themes. What about smoking?
Barcoding Prostate Cancer
You know what a barcode looks like – with the lines and numbers that are scanned for just about anything you buy these days. This graphic model may be used to better detect aggressive prostate cancers.
Seeing Better on Cholesterol Meds
Over 2.7 million people over 40 years old in the U.S. are affected by glaucoma. New research findings may offer a way those predisposed to the disease can reduce their risk.