Health News

Lower Death Risk in Heavier RA Patients?
Both rheumatoid arthritis and obesity can contribute to heart problems. But when the two conditions are combined, the picture may get a little foggier.
Anxious and Moody, Tossing and Turning
Managing multiple mental health conditions, like a mood disorder and an anxiety disorder, can be more challenging than managing just one. It can also make insomnia worse.
Protecting the Unborn with Exercise
Newborn babies enter the world with more toned muscles if mothers exercise regularly during pregnancy.
Pot Withdrawal, No Joke
No, withdrawal from marijuana isn’t as serious as that from heroin. But, that doesn’t mean marijuana withdrawal symptoms shouldn’t be taken into consideration for those trying to quit.
Sleep and Overeating While Pregnant
Pregnancy is notorious for causing women difficulty with sleeping — though not as notorious as the months after the baby arrives. Having an eating disorder can worsen the problem.
Lupus Drug Seems Safe for the Long Haul
Benlysta ( belimumab ) is the first drug in more than 50 years approved for adults with lupus. Studies have shown Benlysta to be an effective tool for fighting lupus. Now, research shows the drug may be safe for long-term use.
Trick But Don't Ruin My Treat
Halloween's just around the corner. Along with planning the costume and candy shopping, parents and children should be watchful of other October allergens lurking around.
Stuck With Leftover Depression Symptoms?
Often, serious depression occurs in episodes, it can come and go. But what happens when some depression symptoms stick around, even if the episode is lifting?
Smokers and Drinkers Diagnosed With Cancer Earlier
Pancreatic cancer is not a good one. Medical scientists don’t know what causes this cancer, with the exception of rare genetic links. And there’s no screening for the healthy general population. A recent study sheds light on risk factors.
I Just Called to Say I'm Okay
If making an appointment to see the psychiatrist or therapist for your regular therapy is a hassle, here's some good news. A phone therapy session may be just as helpful.