Health News

Living Longer With Two Instead of One
Stomach or gastric cancer is not particularly common in this country, with just under 21,500 Americans diagnosed with it every year. Worldwide, though, it’s the second leading cause of cancer deaths. So finding new treatments are of international importance.
Parenting After the Death of a Child
Each year about 42,000 infants and children die in the U.S, a staggering and upsetting fact.
West Nile Enters Difficult Teenage Years
West Nile virus is thirteen years old. It made its first appearance in 1999, and grabbed the nation's attention this summer with an outbreak that was unmistakably teenage behavior.
Risking it With Overactive Bladder
Bladder function is probably something most people take for granted, but for those with overactive bladder, this situation takes on greater importance.
Coping with Pancreatitis
Pancreatitis, a disorder caused by the inflammation of the pancreas, can sometimes just be a bout of illness that only lasts a few days (called acute pancreatitis).
What to Ask Before Joint Replacement Surgery
Osteoarthritis is sometimes called the "wear-and-tear" arthritis because it occurs when joints and joint tissues wear down over time. While osteoarthritis can damage any joint in the body, it often affects the knees and hips.
Expanded Telestroke Saves Lives
Recent research has shown that telestroke improves patient survival, reduces disability and trims healthcare costs. Yet a national report indicates that the technology remains underused.
Which is Better – Film or Digital Mammography?
Film – X-ray film – has been used for taking mammograms for over 40 years. The main problem with film is that it doesn’t pick up everything. And as with everything else in the world, along comes a digital form of mammography.
PTSD Rates of Assaulted Women
Rape is a difficult subject to discuss for most people. But a person who has been sexually assaulted can be at high risk for a second assault — and for post traumatic stress disorder.
Should Aspirin Be Used to Prevent Colorectal Cancer?
Increasingly, scientists are linking inflammation with cancer. A classic drug choice to treat inflammation is aspirin. Is this drug ready for primetime in the cancer fight? Well, it depends who you ask.