Health News

Fight the Urge to Text At the Wheel
Everyone's done it. Red lights pretty much mean a quick sneaky peak at the cell phone. Maybe even shoot a text off real quick; it's always very tempting.
Tivozanib for Advanced Kidney Cancer
Right now, there are only a handful of  drugs that are approved to treat advanced renal cell carcinoma – a type of kidney cancer. Phase 3 clinical trial results of another drug suggest kidney cancer patients may soon have a new option.
Child Athletes Can Relate to Ana's Story
The growing bones, muscles and tendons of young athletes can make them more at risk for getting injured when at play. What's a kid to do?
No Special Treatment Needed
Patients with a common kidney disease often need special treatment to protect against kidney failure and other complications. But new research suggests certain patients may do just fine without special treatment.
Comparing Therapies for Binge Eating
We all over-eat from time to time, but people with Binge-eating disorder (BED) do it so often that it can get in the way of daily life. A new study compared therapy and medication for BED.
No Link Between Shingles And Cancer Risks
If you’ve ever had shingles, you know what a painful ordeal it can be. Tiny blistering sores can take over your body, usually just on one side though. Having this condition doesn’t increase risks of more serious disease.
Have Your Say on Alcohol Misuse
Do you have a good idea to help doctors address alcohol misuse during a routine visit? Voice your opinion on the U.S. Preventive Task Force Website before October 22, 2012.
Obese Kids At Risk
It's no secret that adult obesity comes with a slew of health risk factors. But new research shows similar risk factors for young kids with obesity as well.
Do Meds Work for Teens With Autism?
Autism can be treated with medications to help with some symptoms. Lots of studies have been done for children, but not much is known about how medications will help teens with autism.
Guidance for Gout
When a gout attack begins, the pain starts suddenly and can be crushing. To help doctors and patients prevent these attacks, the American College of Rheumatology ( ACR ) has issued new guidelines for dealing with gout.