Health News

Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow
Coming home from war with post traumatic stress syndrome and a traumatic brain injury requires treatment. But the treatment often works — even for veterans also battling major depression.
Changes in Sleep May be Dementia
Poor sleep can affect the way the mind works. New research suggests that changes in sleep patterns or quality may be related to dementia.
Anxiety After Beating Prostate Cancer
Anxiety from cancer can lead to all kinds of problems including depression and sexual dysfunction. Counseling after prostate cancer treatments may help improve quality of life.
Home Violence Leaves Psychological Scars
The trauma of seeing violence in the home firsthand takes its toll on children as it is. When they experience more traumatic events, their risk of mental health concerns is even greater.
Video Games Are Just Fake Play, Right?
Many parents let their children play video games that are rated as mature, or ‘adult only.’ You may think that children are unaffected by these games but a new study suggests that, maybe, you should think again.
Three Ways to Protect Kids From Skin Cancer
Sunburns not only hurt when they happen, but they also put kids at risk for skin cancer down the line. Skin damage is preventable though – with shade, sunscreen and clothing.
Community Based Weight Loss for Kids
Taking a child to an obesity clinic is expensive. Community-based education with support groups that also involve the parents is a cost-effective way to support weight loss.
Mindfulness and Autism
Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder that can affect a person in many areas, including his or her mental health.
Food Labels Have the Skinny
Consumers have a number of things to ponder over when looking at the 'Nutrition Facts' on packaged food. For those looking to lose or maintain healthy weight, keeping the facts in mind can help.
Raising HIV/AIDS Awareness Among Gay Men
When AIDS first captured headlines in the 1980s, many thought that it could only be spread among gay men. While that theory has long been debunked, gay men are still at high risk for HIV.