Health News

COVID-19 Vaccine Approved for Young Kids
Health officials have finally approved COVID-19 vaccines for use in young children.

COVID Vaccine for Young Kids May Be Coming Soon
Children younger than 5 years old may be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine soon.
GBS: A Preventable Threat to Infants
Many women around the world carry bacteria that could threaten their health and the health of their infants, according to a new study.
The Impact of the Rotavirus Vaccine
The rotavirus vaccine helped keep hundreds of thousands of children out of the hospital, according to estimates from a new study.
Tdap During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?
Despite some past concerns, a new study found that getting the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy was not tied to an increased risk for microcephaly or structural birth defects.
A Way to Protect Babies from the Flu
For babies younger than 6 months, influenza vaccination has not been proven to be successful. But a new study found a different way to protect babies from the flu.
Simple Factors Might Reduce Ear Infections
Higher rates of breastfeeding, use of vaccinations and lower rates of smoking may be behind lower rates of ear infections in recent years, a new study found.
This Vaccine May Shield Infants from Rare Disease
New parents want to keep their kids happy and healthy — and one vaccine might help them do just that.
RSV Not as Dangerous as Once Thought
Good news for parents: babies face much less of a threat from respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, than was once thought.
Tdap Vaccine Was Safe Overall for Mom and Fetus
Since 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has suggested that all pregnant women receive the Tdap vaccine, even if they were vaccinated earlier in life. And new research found that Tdap was safe for both mom and baby.