Health News

The Brain Benefits of Childhood Exercise
For kids, exercise is a great way to get some energy out, boost heart health and maintain a healthy weight. But a new study suggests that exercise in childhood could help the brain later on.
Active Kids Make Healthier Adults
Even a small increase in the number of kids who get regular exercise could help keep kids healthier into adulthood and save billions in medical costs, a new study found.
How Fit Are Young Teens?
As teen obesity rates climb, the role of schools in shaping students' exercise habits has come under intense scrutiny. And there may be a good reason why.
Teens Lost Most Weight With Combination Training
Exercise is an important tool in fighting obesity in young people. But which type of exercise is the most effective?
Exercise May Help Kids Focus
Exercise improves health in many ways. And a new study suggests it may help children who have problems focusing at school.