Health News

Limited Treatment for Advanced Cancer May Be Best
Once cancer spreads, controlling it becomes a much more complex challenge. Researchers looked at the survival benefits of treatment alternatives for advanced breast cancer.
Live Bird Markets Might Pose Extra Salmonella Risk
For some, getting poultry from a live market is a way of life and a tradition. But is it safe? New research warns that there might be a connection between these markets and Salmonella .
Raw Milk Possibly Tied to Intestinal Infections
In certain circles, the word "raw" has become synonymous with the word "healthy." But the researchers behind a recent study warned that this is not always the case — especially when it comes to milk.
Exercise Benefits Were All in the Asking
Exercise can help treat diabetes, heart disease and other health problems. While getting people to move can be difficult, asking them about fitness habits may spur them to act.
A Knockout Punch for Early HER2 Breast Cancer
About one in five women diagnosed with breast cancer have too much of a protein called HER2, which makes the cancer more likely to grow faster and return. New research has some good news for women with this cancer.
Powerwashing HER2+ Breast Cancer
HER2-positive breast cancer is an aggressive disease that thankfully can be treated with targeted therapies. A new combination regimen was successful in keeping patients in a recent trial disease free.
Study Finds Promising Treatment for Myelofibrosis
Myelofibrosis is a type of chronic leukemia that attacks bone marrow. Researchers at Mayo Clinic showed promising study results for one treatment for this disease.
Breathing Easier Helped Blood Pressure Too
High blood pressure affects millions of Americans, and having obstructive sleep apnea can make the condition worse. But treatment can make a difference.
Acid Reducing Meds Linked to Low Vitamin B12 Levels
It's relatively common for older folks to have low levels of vitamin B12. According to a new study, certain medications may contribute to these low vitamin levels.
Diabetes Complications May Grow With Age
As a patient ages and has diabetes longer, the health risks rise. A new study pinpointed what some of these risks may be for diabetes patients 60 and older.