Health News

Common Epilepsy Surgery Safe for Older Patients
Epilepsy surgery has the potential to completely free a patient of any seizures. However, older patients are typically turned down because of the potential risks associated with age and co-occurring conditions.
Kids' Mood and Behavior After Epilepsy Surgery
Children with epilepsy are at risk for behavior problems, depression and anxiety. And past studies have shown that mood and behavior may change in kids after epilepsy surgery.
Do You Know the Name of Your Medication?
People with chronic conditions often identify their medication by how it looks. However, the increased use of generic medication could make this identification method dangerous.
Better Lives After Epilepsy Surgery
Epilepsy can be a debilitating condition, especially for patients who don't respond to medications. For some patients, surgery may offer hope for a better life without seizures.
Key Groups Not Knowledgeable About HPV Vaccine
If there was a vaccine that could possibly prevent cancer, everyone would get it — right? The answer is more complicated than that, as a new study focusing on HPV vaccination showed.
Stem Cell Transplants Over the Ages
Stem cell transplants that replace damaged blood cells with healthy ones can be life-saving procedures for people living with blood cancers. Advances have made stem cell transplants available to more people.
Using Epilepsy Medications After Surgery
People with epilepsy sometimes choose brain surgery to prevent seizures and stop taking medicine. Some patients wait longer than others to reduce their medication after surgery.
Knee Replacement While Obese
Knee replacement surgery can be an effective way to treat osteoarthritis. But according to one review, it may pose additional risks for obese patients.
Alcohol Abuse May Come With a Parkinson's Disease Risk
Chronic abuse of alcohol often leads to mental and physical health problems. According to recent research, one of those problems could be Parkinson's disease.
Hormone May Improve Social Skills in Kids with Autism
Kids with autism can find it hard to understand what other people are feeling. And their communication challenges can make it hard for these children to interact with others.