Health News

Anti-TNFs Not to Blame for Skin Infections in RA
Anti-TNF medications used to control arthritis symptoms have been linked to increased risks for skin infections. However, a recent study has shown that this may not necessarily be true.
New Recommendations for the Treatment of TSC
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder that causes non-malignant tumors to form in many different organs, including the brain, heart, and lungs. Recent advances in technology and our understanding of the disease has led to new recommended treatments.
Surviving Cancer While Living With Other Diseases
Cancer remains primarily a disease of the elderly. Aging also increases the incidence of other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. A new study looked at how other health issues impact cancer survival.
Recovering From Diabetes After Weight Loss Surgery
Some obese people with type 2 diabetes choose weight loss surgery to drop pounds and improve their health. What makes a weight loss surgery patient likely to recover from diabetes?
Heart Valve Replacements Improving
Every year, thousands of people have heart valve replacement surgery. Over the past decade, more and more people have been living better after these surgeries.
Throat Cancer Detests Smoking
The Epstein-Barr virus can cause a throat cancer that’s rare in this country, but more common in Asia. Another cause of this throat cancer is smoking, which seems to have a profound impact on survival.
Donor Age Not an Issue for Corneal Transplant Patients
Patients who need a new cornea — the clear, front surface of the eye — may not need to worry about the age of the donor who will provide that cornea, according to new research.
Machines Not Better at CPR
When someone’s heart stops, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) may save his or her life. Both CPR machines and people can perform CPR to help keep the heart pumping.
When Depression Accompanies RA
Coping with arthritis can be difficult, especially when patients have other conditions — such as depression — that may hinder effective treatment.
Raising Awareness of End-of-Life Options
The month of November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, a time dedicated to awareness of end-of-life care.