5 Things to Know About SIDS
SIDS usually occurs in healthy babies, making it all the more unexpected and sudden. First Candle notes that researchers believe dangerous sleep settings account for the majority — up to 90 percent — of SIDS deaths. This may be referred to as “crib death.” However, despite years of research, there is still a lot of mystery around SIDS, making it all the more unsettling for parents.
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Review Date:
April 8, 2015Citation:
Pediatrics, "SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Expansion of Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment" HealthyChildren.org, "Reduce the Risk of SIDS" CDC, "About SUID and SIDS" NIH, "HHS Agencies Express Support for Infant Safe Sleep Recommendations" CPSC, "A Safer Generation of Cribs" First Candle, "Facts on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) / Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID)" American SIDS Institute, "What is SIDS/SUID?" Image courtesy of Lucidwaters | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Felix Pergande | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Szefei | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Barbara Helgason | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Barbara Helgason | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Mary Katherine Wynn | Dreamstime.com
Last Updated:
April 8, 2015