8 Things To Do Before 8 a.m.
Whether it's toast or a bowl of cereal, everyone should eat breakfast in the morning. Eating breakfast can prevent that mid morning slump and can help you lose weight, according to Obesity Research. So don’t let the eggs and bacon pass you by! Grab some breakfast and you will be on your way to a better day.
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Review Date:
August 28, 2015Citation:
dailyRx News, "How to Become a Morning Person: Reward Yourself" dailyRx News, "How to Become a Morning Person: Fit in a Workout" dailyRx News, "How to Become a Morning Person: Eat Breakfast" dailyRx News, "How to Become a Morning Person: Avoid Bad Lighting at the Wrong Times" dailyRx News, "How to Become a Morning Person: Skip the Snooze Button" Plastics Info, "How to Stay Hydrated" Johns Hopkins, "Breakfast" NPR, "How Many Cups Of Coffee Per Day Are Too Many?" Kids Health, "Stretching" Image courtesy of Flynt | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Elena Elisseeva | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Igor Stevanovic | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Stokkete | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Evgenyatamanenko | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Olesia Bilkei | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Soloway | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Dirima | Dreamstime.com
Last Updated:
August 28, 2015