Even These Athletes Battle Mental Health Issues
Herschel Walker is a former professional football player who is diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, also called multiple personality disorder. This mental health condition can cause memory loss, depression and difficulty paying attention. Talk to a doctor about any mental health issues.
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Review Date:
January 29, 2014Citation:
Medline Plus, “Concussion” New York Times, “Concussions Tied to Depression in Ex-N.F.L. PLayers” USA Today, “Terry Bradshaw coping with memory loss, depression” Yahoo Sports, “Stronger than ever, Brandon Marshall learns to live with Borderline Personality Disorder” ThinkProgress, “NFL Fines Brandon Marshall $10,500 For Green Mental Health Awareness Shoes” National Institute of Mental Health, “Generalized Anxiety Disorder” ESPN, “Royce White and the battle within” National Alliance on Mental Illness, “Dissociative Identity Disorder” ABILITY Magazine, “Herschel Walker: From Fumble to Recovery” Sports Illustrated, CNN, “Doctors give Tyson thumbs up” PubMed Health, “Depression” PubMed Health, “Bipolar Disorder” The Dallas Morning News, “Mavericks’ Delonte West fights past bipolar disorder, money woes, ‘09 arrest that made him the butt of ESPN, “Ron Artest: An unlikely advocate” MLS Soccer, “LA Galaxy’s Landon Donovan argues mental health should be treated like physical health” ESPN, “Landon Donovan eyes break from soccer” National Institute of Mental Health, “Serious Mental Illness (SMI) among Adults” Courtesy of Ileanaolaru | Dreamstime Courtesy of Rick Sargeant | Dreamstime Courtesy of Laurence Agron | Dreamstime Courtesy of Jerry Coli | Dreamstime via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Sbukley | Dreamstime Keith Allison, via Wikimedia Commons GoIowaState dotcom, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Dgareri | Dreamstime Courtesy of Patrick Allen | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
September 15, 2014