Food and Drink that Disrupt Sleep
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Review Date:
February 14, 2014Citation:
National Sleep Foundation, “Caffeine and Sleep” The New York Times, “The Claim: Chocolate Can Be Disruptive to Sleep” National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Sleep, Sleepiness, and Alcohol Use” EurekAlert!, “Weight gain induced by high-fat diet increases active-period sleep and sleep fragmentation” The New York Times, “The Claim: A Spicy Meal Before Bed Can Disrupt Sleep” Medline Plus, “Gastroesophageal reflux - discharge” Brown University, “Energy Drinks” Courtesy of Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime Courtesy of Dirima | Dreamstime Courtesy of Photomak | Dreamstime Courtesy of Arne9001 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Faizzaki | Dreamstime Courtesy of Tycoon751 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Liv Friis-larsen | Dreamstime Courtesy of Tab1962 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Mediterranean | Dreamstime Courtesy of Danny Hooks | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014