The Health Benefits of Dance
Did you know that dancing can increase cognitive acuity at any age? One study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that dancing may ward off Alzheimer’s disease and dementia based on the “use it or lose it” theory. Dancing takes advantage of our brain’s neuroplasticity and areas that require the brain to rewire themselves based on use. If these areas not being used, they may die off as people age. Dancing requires you to remember moves, routines and make rapid-fire decisions — such as following a lead or changing moves quickly based on the music. All of this may keep the brain active, forcing it to forge new pathways and making you less likely to forget new information.
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Review Date:
August 21, 2015Citation:
Mayo Clinic, "Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms" Health Guidance, "Health Benefits of Dance", "Why Dance?" Stanford Dance, "Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter" Health Guidance, "The Best Means of Avoiding Alzheimer's Is Dance?" Health Guidance, "Health Benefits of Dance" National Osteoporosis Foundation, "Exercise for Strong Bones" NIH, "How does physical activity help build healthy bones?" My Mental Health Day, "A New Way to Find Success" Better Health, "Health benefits of dancing" Image courtesy of Konradbak | Image courtesy of Sebastian Kaulitzki | Image courtesy of Inara Prusakova | Image courtesy of Pooterjon | Image courtesy of Vadimmmus | Image courtesy of N.l | Image courtesy of Maksim Shmeljov |
Last Updated:
September 24, 2015