The Health Benefits of Dance
Dancing can be a fun way to help you lose weight or just stay in shape. While dancing may not feel like exercise, it actually offers a total body workout that uses all of the major muscle groups. A single one hour class can burn up to 600 calories, and having fun while you’re at it may encourage you to push yourself farther. And if you choose to do additional exercise on top of your dance classes, you may find that you lose weight at a much faster and steadier rate.
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Review Date:
August 21, 2015Citation:
Mayo Clinic, "Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms" Health Guidance, "Health Benefits of Dance", "Why Dance?" Stanford Dance, "Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter" Health Guidance, "The Best Means of Avoiding Alzheimer's Is Dance?" Health Guidance, "Health Benefits of Dance" National Osteoporosis Foundation, "Exercise for Strong Bones" NIH, "How does physical activity help build healthy bones?" My Mental Health Day, "A New Way to Find Success" Better Health, "Health benefits of dancing" Image courtesy of Konradbak | Image courtesy of Sebastian Kaulitzki | Image courtesy of Inara Prusakova | Image courtesy of Pooterjon | Image courtesy of Vadimmmus | Image courtesy of N.l | Image courtesy of Maksim Shmeljov |
Last Updated:
September 24, 2015