Myths and Facts About Pregnancy
Myth! While the best pregnancy sleeping position is on your left side, we all adjust while we sleep, so don’t panic if you wake up in the middle of the night on your back. Sleeping on your side provides the best blood flow to your baby, and sleeping on your back may contribute to back, breathing, and digestive problems as you progress. Still, Baylor College of Medicine notes that sleeping on your back won’t harm the baby.
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Review Date:
July 25, 2014Citation:
CDC, "Pregnant Women" CDC, "Cats" U.S. National Library of Medicine, "Congenital Toxoplasmosis" KidsHealth, "Toxoplasmosis" BabyCenter, "Traveling by plane when pregnant" Mayo Clinic, "Pregnancy Week by Week" Baylor College of Medicine, "Frequently Asked Questions for Obstetrics Patients" American Pregnancy Association, "Hair Treatment During Pregnancy" American Pregnancy Association, "Pregnant In A Hot Tub" Time, "True or False? 20 Common Myths About Pregnancy" American Pregnancy Association, "Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy" CDC, "Seasonal Flu Vaccine Safety and Pregnant Women" WebMD, "Predicting Your Baby's Sex" Courtesy of Patrick at Dreamstime Courtesy of TimRT Courtesy of Superj79 at Dreamstime Courtesy of mcclouds Courtesy of Christine Langer-püschel at Dreamstime Courtesy of Stefano Lunardi at Dreamstime Courtesy of 350jb at Dreamstime Courtesy of Fallenangel at Dreamstime Courtesy of Konradbak at Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 25, 2014