Tips for a Healthy Fall
Both the flu and the common cold are viral infections. This means they can’t be treated with antibiotics. With the holidays and the start of school, doctor visits are hard to fit into your schedule. But resist the urge to self-medicate with old antibiotics when you’re feeling sick. Antibiotics only treat bacterial infections, and you could be hurting your health if you take medication without your doctor’s recommendation. By taking antibiotics when you don’t need them, bacteria can build up resistance to medication. If you start feeling sick, talk you your doctor about the proper steps.
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Review Date:
October 1, 2015Citation:
Image courtesy of Chalee Kawwphai | Image courtesy of Aydindurdu | Image courtesy of Alexander Raths | Image courtesy of David Spates | Image courtesy of Xveron90x | Image courtesy of Mariematata | Image courtesy of Bazruh | CDC, "Flu season is around the corner" NFPA, "Heating" CDC, "Prevention guidance" CDC, "What everyone should know" University of Minnesota, "What do specific foods do?" CDC, "Handwashing"
Last Updated:
October 1, 2015