Health News
Mother’s Diet May Reduce Child’s Allergies
Rates of asthma and allergies in children have been increasing. Could what a mother eats when pregnant set kids up for these conditions after birth?
Oral Treatment for Peanut Allergy a Possibility
For parents of children with peanut allergies, the thought of their child accidentally eating a peanut can cause big concerns. But what if children could become tolerant to small amounts of peanuts?
Increased Depression in Common Teen Disorders
Separately, ADHD and asthma each have been associated with mood disorders. Are patients with both ADHD and asthma at an even greater risk?
Going for Nuts During Pregnancy
Nut allergies can be challenging to manage in children and dangerous if the allergy is severe. But it's possible mom's diet could play a role in her child's risk.
Antibiotic Use in Infancy Could Increase Risk of Asthma
The number of people with asthma has significantly increased over the last three decades. Different medical exposures during infancy may have something to do with the rising number.

Worst Cities for Winter Allergies in 2013
Different allergies can affect people at different times of the year. Do you live in the worst city for winter allergies in 2013?
Allergic Rhinitis Rx in FDA Review Process
Merck (NYSE:MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, today issued the following statement.
Rx Lowered Steroid Dose in Asthma Patients
Oral corticosteroids are a common treatment for asthma, but they often come with unwanted side effects. One recent study showed that another medication may help patients lower their corticosteroid dose over time.
Allergies Linked to Higher Blood Cancer Risks in Women
Living with allergies can be annoying. Now, a study has found that women with common allergies may possibly have more than itchy eyes and sneezing to worry about.
When Allergies Go to Your Head
Those who have experienced allergies are probably all too familiar with the runny or stuffy nose, the itchy eyes and the overall discomfort. They may also be familiar with migraines.