Health News

The Freshman Depression
The transition from high school to college can be a difficult one. Students are faced with not only a more challenging academic life, but often a separation from the world they have grown up knowing. Moving out of the parents’ house, and the freedom, independence and responsibilities that come with it, can make for an emotionally charged time filled with ups and downs. As students deal with these difficulties and the academic challenges that face them, (both during their freshman year and throughout the college experience) mental health issues can often present themselves. Studies...
Communal Healing
When tragedies strike that affect communities or the nation as a whole, it is important to take the time to care for mental health. Sometimes traumas can cause mental distress not only for those directly involved, but for widespread publics too.
Treating Worry and Anxiety
Worry and anxiety are difficult to live with and can cause muscular tension that can lead to severe physical problems with time.
Can Early Intervention Stop PTSD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) causes difficulty for thousands of trauma victims every year. Typically symptoms are treated as they arise, but new research may help nip PTSD in the bud.
She Works Hard for Her Money
It's no secret that not having enough money to live day to day can increase parents’ anxiety. But is an insecure financial situation enough to cause someone to have an anxiety disorder?
Risky Behavior and PTSD Go Hand in Hand
Veterans returning from war face many challenges reintegrating into civilian life. Those experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often find it particularly difficult, and react in many different ways that may include engaging in risky behavior.
Autism and Anxiety in Children
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can create struggles for children to overcome. For some children, anxiety disorders with ASD can interfere with life.
Childbirth Fears and Long Labors
The discovery that you're carrying a child inside you brings along a range of emotions. For about 5 to 20 percent of women, those emotions include a fear of childbirth.
Trauma of Violence Runs Deep for Kids
A child, like an adult, does not need to experience violence to be affected by it. Just witnessing violent events can affect a child's mental health - and possibly physical health, too.
Lexapro for the Treatment of OCD?
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by obsessive thoughts and behaviors.  Patients may be prescribed escitalopram  (often sold as Lexapro ), an antidepressant, to help with some symptoms.