Health News

How Stress Saps Your Health
Everybody has experienced stress in one form or another, yet many don’t fully understand the dramatic effects stress can have on their health.
Physical Signs of Depression May Be Common in ICU
Recovering from trauma and a lengthy ICU stay might make some people depressed. But their depression may not display itself as one might expect, a new study has found.
When Anxiety Complicates ADHD
Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may also have other disorders, such as anxiety. It's important to understand how these disorders together affect children.
Seniors Making Informed Medication Choices
Certain sleeping pills and anxiety medication could be risky for seniors. Evidence-based education could help them to choose their medications wisely.
Balancing Antidepressants' Risks during Pregnancy
Taking antidepressants during pregnancy has always involved a balancing of possible benefits and risks. But so does skipping the medication when a mom has depression.
Few Spine Surgeons Used Psych Screening Before Surgery
Mental health issues may play a role in disabling back pain that can require surgery, and experts recommend mental health screening before spinal surgery. But it seems some surgeons may have missed this recommendation.
Anti-Anxiety Meds Tied to Doubled Death Risk
Prescription medications were designed to help prevent illness and death, not cause it. But new research suggests some common medications could increase the risk of an early death.
Dental and Mental Health Linked
Could tooth loss present more than just an oral health problem? New research suggests dental hygiene could have a broader impact on well-being.
Pfizer Issues Antidepressant Rx Recall
Taking prescribed medication can become a habit that we execute without much thought. But concerns about a medication mix-up may lead some to double-check their labels this week.

Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain
Over 100 million Americans live with chronic pain. If you're one of them, check out these alternative treatments to help make the pain go away.