Health News
Got Arthritis? Take Care of Your Teeth
If those aching joints are a result of rheumatoid arthritis, it may be a signal to take extra care of your teeth.
How Fish Might Affect Your Immune Health
Seafood is always a great choice for protein if you’re young and female, right? Not so fast.
Obesity May Increase Risk of Arthritis in Women
Being obese or overweight can increase the risk of a host of health problems — diabetes, heart disease and stroke, for instance. Packing too many pounds may also raise the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

Things You Can Do Today to Feel Better Tomorrow
What can you do to make your tomorrow better than today? Here are eight easy steps that will leave you feeling better tomorrow.
A Bit of Beer May Lower RA Risk
Yes we know that drinking too much alcohol can be dangerous. But drinking smaller amounts of beer may have some health benefits for women concerned with RA.

Exercise Tips for People with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Even though it may not feel like it, exercise is good for patients with RA. Still, patients should be careful when exercising. Here are seven exercise tips for patients with RA.

Health Risks Seniors Should Be Aware Of
As you age, you may be faced with health risks you did not have to confront before. While you can’t prevent the passing of time, being knowledgeable and proactive with your health can have dramatic effects on your current and future quality of life.

How Your Pet Can Affect Your Health
Dogs and cats can make great companions, and having a pet might be more beneficial to your health than you think. Although there is little evidence to suggest most of the health benefits, here’s a list of ways that pets might be able to benefit your health.

Superfoods for Fighting Arthritis
While arthritis patients often need medications to ease symptoms and fight their disease, diet also can play a huge role in arthritis treatment. Here’s a list of foods that may help relieve or prevent arthritis.
Vitamin D May Bolster Immune System
Sometimes called the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D may play an important role in keeping older adults healthy, according to one new study.