Health News
Several Supplements May Contain Hidden Ingredients
Consumers, beware! Imported products marketed as dietary supplements for weight loss or erectile dysfunction may do you more harm than good.
How Pesticides Might Affect Men's Sexual Health
Mom's advice to eat plenty of veggies still rings true, but men might want to do so with some caution. High-pesticide fruits and vegetables might damage men's sexual health.

How Smoking Burns Your Health
According to the CDC, smoking causes nearly 1 in every 5 deaths in the United States each year. Here’s a list of the harmful effects of smoking.

Common Side Effects of Antidepressants
Some of the most widely prescribed antidepressant medications are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Here’s a list of side effects associated with SSRIs.

How Obesity Affects Health
Besides tobacco use, obesity is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States.
Stay Fit and Trim to Avoid ED
For men, the "golden years" may present some unfortunate obstacles to having sex. Maintaining a healthy weight could keep their sex lives from taking a dive.
What About the Children?
Sex! Violence! Drugs! Alcohol! Bullying! Pregnancy! Parenting can feel like a minefield at times, and a recent national poll reveals how important all these child health issues are to adults across the U.S.
Exercise Away Erectile Dysfunction
Think erectile dysfunction can only happen at a certain age? Exercise may have more to do with healthy erectile function than previously thought, no matter the age.
Fathering a Baby? Eat Better!
According to the old adage, you are what you eat, but for men eating fatty foods, their diets may be affecting their sperm counts too.
A new study reveals that the amount and types of fat consumed by men may be associated with the quality of their semen.
Limit fatty foods and consume more unsaturated fats than saturated ones.
In a study led by Jill Attaman, of Vincent Obstetrics and Gynecology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical Center, researchers looked at the diets of 99 primarily Caucasian American men who attended a fertility clinic between 2006 and 2010. ...
Protect Your Prostate
Eating the right foods and exercising regularly are key elements in staying healthy. There’s no wonder experts all around the world say these same elements help keep prostate healthy.