Health News

How to Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet
There's good fat and bad fat when it comes to your diet. Here's how to get more of the good stuff.
How Sleep Affects Your Heart
How well you sleep may have an impact on how healthy your heart is.
Controlling Cholesterol
Looking to protect your heart health? Check out these five tips for managing your cholesterol.
For American Heart Month, Say No to Heart Disease
Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. But you can say no to heart disease by learning about the condition and taking steps to improve your heart health.
You're a Lifesaver: All About CPR
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a procedure done when the heart stops beating. It can be a lifesaver.
Heart Attack Symptoms: Men vs. Women
Past research has suggested that women have different heart attack symptoms than men. But new findings suggest that may not be exactly true.
Blood Pressure: A Numbers Game
High blood pressure is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease. But what do your blood pressure numbers actually mean?
Health Benefits of Donating Blood
Donating blood is a charitable thing to do, but it might also help you out when it comes to your health.
The Hidden Salt in Your Diet
The salt shaker isn't the only way you're getting a lot of sodium in your diet.
Blood Pressure Management: What You Should Know
In recent years, awareness of high blood pressure and how to treat and control it decreased among Americans, a new study found. Because awareness is key to blood pressure management, that could spell bad news for public health.