Health News
Healthy Behaviors Lowered Heart Attack Risk in Men
Medications may be responsible for a recent decline in heart disease-related deaths, but healthy lifestyle choices like exercise and not smoking may cut heart risks without the side effects.
Race, Ethnicity Were Key in Gauging Heart Disease Risk
Higher levels of fat around a man’s heart have often been associated with heart disease. However, when it comes to determining a man’s risk for heart disease, his race, ethnicity and fat storage may be key.
Cholesterol Rx May Give Men's Love Life a Lift
For older men with narrowing of arteries or other heart health risk factors, statins may be prescribed to lower cholesterol. The medication may add an unexpected boost in the bedroom as well.

Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
There are many health benefits to being a physically active person. Here’s a list from what you might gain from developing an exercise routine.
FDA to Investigate Dangers of Testosterone Therapy
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating the risk of stroke, heart attack, and death in men taking FDA-approved testosterone products.
Sitting Can Kill: Exercise Can Reduce Heart Failure
While sitting may not seem harmful, a sedentary lifestyle may raise the risk of heart disease and premature death. Inactivity may also increase the chances of heart failure in men.

Top Ten Articles of November
Men's Hormone Therapy May Be Risky for the Heart
Properly balanced hormones deliver benefits such as strong bones and healthy sexual function. Restoring natural hormones lost due to illness or aging with hormone supplements is an option, but it may carry risks.
Cholesterol Meds May Lower Cancer Deaths
Cholesterol lowering medications called statins are among the most commonly prescribed medicines in the US. New research is suggesting these medications may lower more than cholesterol in prostate cancer patients.
At the Heart of Men's Sexual Problems
For men who decide to see their doctor for sexual issues, it may be a good idea to get the heart checked out at the same time.