Health News

Menopause Doesn't Slow Tennis Moms
Menopausal symptoms may bring one down occasionaly, but a challenging tennis match might help rid you of those feelings. Experts are now saying passoniate competition will lift your spirits and keep you healthy.
If Family Planning Ain't Broke, Don't Fix it
Remember the days when many companies weren't willing to employ married women because of the assumption they would just get pregnant?
Knee Injuries Lead to ACL Tears and Osteoporosis
Being involved in sports is a good way to learn social skills, get some exercise and meet people. But certain sports can be more taxing on bones and ligaments.
Soy Protein Reduces Clogged Artery Progression
There may be a window shortly after menopause in which women can slow the development of clogged arteries through a method as simple as taking soy protein supplements.
Counting Sheep After Discontinuing HRT
Lack of sleep can take one's vitality for life away. With slower schedules and hormone shifts, sleeping can get really slippery for older women.
Birth Control Device Diminishes Cervical Cancer
The country has come a long way in its attitudes concerning sexually-transmitted diseases. Recall the outrage at the recommendation of condom use to avoid transmission of HIV. Now, most embrace the idea of proactive measures to curb the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases.
Heady Hormones
Young girls are beginning their period at an increasingly earlier age. This trend to rapid maturity may also lead to premature conditions formerly associated with aging.
Light Drinking Lifts Aging Prospects
After finished with childbearing and proceeding to raising children, women have the freedom to possibly imbibe after a day of work or child rearing. This is probably okay for their golden years health.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The more that is understood about newborn birth defects, the clearer it is that a mom-to-be really has a great deal of control over her future baby's health.
Asthma's Algorithms
Of course, one of the goals in pregnancy is to avoid or lessen in utero exposure to drugs. Maternal asthma is a tough condition to control while minimizing medicines.