Health News
Fish and Exercise May Help Colon Cancer Patients
Plenty of research has tied lifestyle factors to risk for developing cancer. Could these factors also play into how cancer progresses once it has already developed? A new study suggests so.
Exercise May Be Best Heart Protection for Overweight Women
Exercise is key to losing weight and keeping that weight off, which is healthy for the heart. But even without weight loss, physical activity may provide quite a bit of benefit to the heart.
Poorer People Less Likely to Lose Weight in Healthy Ways
It's notoriously difficult to lose weight. Researchers may have uncovered at least some answers as to why efforts to lose weight are often less successful for those with lower incomes.

Things You Can Do Today to Feel Better Tomorrow
What can you do to make your tomorrow better than today? Here are eight easy steps that will leave you feeling better tomorrow.
Get Moving For Better Kidney Health
Walking is one of the most common forms of exercise for people in the United States. For patients with chronic kidney disease, taking a walk could be a lifesaver.
Overdosing on Exercise
Exercise is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. But for some people, it appears there is such thing as too much exercise.

Home Remedies for an Upset Stomach
The occasional stomach ache might not be bad enough to warrant a trip to the doctor’s office, but it can still be uncomfortable. There are numerous ways to relieve such belly aches on your own.
Women Over 30 Should Stay Active for Their Hearts
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women in high-income countries. It seems that the biggest risk factor for the condition may be a lifestyle habit that can be changed.
It's Not Too Late For Cardiovascular Fitness
Once you pass a certain age, maintaining a healthy level of cardiovascular fitness may start to feel like a lost cause. But that may not actually be the case, says a new study.
Small Doses of Exercise Kept Blood Sugar in Line
People who are insulin resistant are unable to turn their blood sugar into energy and can be at risk for diabetes. It’s possible that significantly better blood sugar control can be achieved with a few simple steps.