Health News

Where There's Smoke, Reading Suffers
Women have heard over and over not to smoke while pregnant. But the difference it can make is still sometimes surprising. A very positive surprise when considering children's reading skills.
Quitting Tougher for Some Pregnant Women
Knowing not to smoke during pregnancy and actually quitting are two different things. It can be very tough to give up smoking, especially if you have other conditions.
Fewer Young Adults Smoking in US
Want to save nearly half a million people in the US from dying each year? Get them to stop smoking. Fortunately, fewer young adults are smoking.
Smoking in Cars with Kids
It is known that secondhand smoke can be harmful to those exposed, especially in confined spaces like cars. 
Brazil: No-Smoking Capital
When it comes to tobacco cessation, Brazil is the poster child for success. Brazil provides a great model for cutting smoking in half in 20 years at no financial burden to the nation.
Hospitalized? Good Time to Quit
Of course, no one can smoke inside hospitals anymore. There are strict policies against it. But, outside the hospital, on the grounds and in designated areas, it's usually still fair game.
Quit Smoking to Save Your Life
In case you haven't heard, smoking is bad for your health. The evidence keeps piling up that smoking can kill you. The good news is that quitting means a longer life.
Heavy and Smoking: An RA Double-Whammy
Both smoking and being overweight can take a huge toll on your body. Combine the two together and you might be in store for serious health problems, particularly arthritis.
Pro-Smoking Apps on Your Child's Phone?
There is an app for absolutely everything these days. This platform allows promotions for tobacco with no age-restricted access on both Apple and Android smartphones.
Meds & Counseling Combo Work Best
Quitting smoking is a life saving action. Don’t get down about it. Get help instead. Use support and medications together until the job is done.