Health News
FDA Warns of Supplements Claiming to Treat Concussion
With school back in session, kids also are starting a variety of sports seasons. Naturally, parents may be thinking about their children's safety while playing sports and what to do if their young athlete has an injury like a concussion.

What You Need to Know About Concussion
With the start of the NFL season and the beginning of school athletics right around the corner, many people are resuming the conversation about a mild form of traumatic brain injury (TBI) known as a concussion. Learn about the symptoms, treatment options and outlook of a concussion.
Back in the Game After a Concussion
While a concussion is often considered a relatively minor brain injury, the impact my be felt for yours. For athletes, it’s important to take the time needed to fully recover before returning to play.
Hip Fracture May Have Grave Consequences
Nursing homes provide around-the-clock care, primarily for older people with existing health problems. While many conditions can be managed over the long-term, some injuries like hip fracture can have severe short-term consequences.
Painful Childhoods May Prompt Some to Enlist
For kids who grow up in hostile homes, adverse experiences are common. And for some people, joining the armed forces may be an attempt to leave a negative home life behind.
Mild Brain Damage May Be Long-Term
Most traumatic brain injuries are mild or moderate, but that doesn't mean they can't cause long-term damage.
Post-Concussion Syndrome May Be PTSD in Disguise
Even mild brain injury is serious business. A person can experience a range of symptoms many months after having received a concussion, but those symptoms might not be what they seem.
NFL Players Returned to Play After Shoulder Surgery
One common injury for players in the NFL is tearing the shoulder joint, which requires a surgical fix. A recent study examined how long it took players to get back in the game after shoulder stabilization surgery.
After Concussion, Emotional Symptoms May Signal Other Issues
A concussion can bring about a wide variety of symptoms. These symptoms may affect any combination of physical, emotional, basic mental functioning. It seems that some types of concussion symptoms may signal risk for others.
Risk Factors for Falling Asleep at the Wheel
Falling asleep behind the wheel is a dangerous situation. Preventing such situations requires knowing what can lead to drowsy driving — a topic that researchers recently explored.