Health News
Mom's Stress Could Affect Junior
Feeling stressed out during your pregnancy? A round of yoga or a meeting with your therapist for stress management tips may help your baby too.
An unpublished study being presented at a conference on children's health points to the possibility that first trimester stress for mom might translate to less iron for her baby. Low iron levels could mean slower physical and mental development later.
Plan ways to relieve stress during your pregnancy.
Rinat Armony-Sivan , PhD, director of the psychology research laboratory at Ashkelon Academic College in Israel, led a study to investig...
The Science of Stress
Recent discoveries about the roles of cellular proteins and steroids in the brain may lead to new developments in the design of anti-depressants for depression and PTSD.
Researchers isolate the chemicals in the brain that respond to stress.
Findings may possibly pinpoint why some subjects show symptoms of mental illness, and others don’t after exposure to stress.
Talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing depression or PTSD
Dr. Oliver Berton PhD., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and a team of researc...
Do Warnings on Cigarette Packs Work?
Ex-smokers who notice the warning labels on cigarette packs are less likely to start smoking again. How much of a difference do these really warning labels make for ex-smokers?
A four-country survey asks ex-smokers about cigarette warning labels over the course of 5 years to determine if they make any impact on whether or not they return to the smoking life.
Warning labels may not be 100 percent effective, but they do appear to make a difference.
Encourage people to notice warning labels on cigarette packs.
Researchers from the VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control, The Can...
Are You Addicted to Work?
Do you get stressed if you can't work? Do you work so much that your health, hobbies, family and family fall by the wayside? A new assessment may classify you a workaholic.
A group of researchers from the United Kingdom and Norway have developed a scale for work addiction that is designed to help clinicians and people in general determine whether they have an unhealthy relationship with working.
Balance your work and play time.
Cecilie Schou Andreassen , of the Department of Psychosocial Science at the University of Bergen in Norway, and colleagues developed the Bergen Work A...
Do Anti-Tobacco Ads Really Work?
A new look at data from anti-smoking ads may influence how campaigns are targeted in the future. There's no doubt that smoking is bad, but what is the best way to get the message across?
Worry Gets Worse: Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are not always linked to traumatic experiences. The source of these disorders is often times a minor negative event, but the reason a disorder develops in some remains a mystery.
Was That an Earthquake?
Natural disasters can strike at any time - and it is best to be prepared. But how effective are such plans, really? Do they actually save lives? A new report says yes - they do.
Link Between Mom's Blues & Baby's Sleep
Moms spend so much energy focusing on their children's needs that it becomes easy to neglect their own needs. But taking care of mom also helps take better care of the little ones.
Environmental Disaster Divides Families
You might think that a disaster or serious illness affecting your family and community would bring people together - overcoming differences in the face of adversity.
Stress Induced Seizures: Not Epilepsy
Some people diagnosed with epilepsy may have been misdiagnosed, say researchers. Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures ( PNES ), may display similar symptoms but it is not the result of erratic signals in the brain.