Health News
Electronics May Zap Your Pacemaker
Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) from household appliances and electronic devices can interfere with pacemakers when used in close proximity to the body, a new study found.
How to Help Prevent Heart Failure
Lifestyle choices may help prevent heart failure, including a type that's usually resistant to available therapies, a new study found.
Testosterone Therapy: The Ups and Downs
Older men who received testosterone therapy saw some good outcomes and some that weren't so good, according to new research.
Salt and Blood Pressure in Kidney Disease
If you have chronic kidney disease (CKD), limiting your salt intake could help lower your blood pressure, a new study found.
What Belly Fat May Mean for Your Health
If having a high waist-to-hip ratio is in your genetics, you may also have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, according to a new study.
Meal Planning and Your Heart
When and how often you eat might have an effect on your risk for heart problems and stroke, according to a new scientific statement.
Can Cholesterol Be Too Low?
Lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol reduces the risk of heart disease. But some have expressed concerns over the health effects of lowering LDL cholesterol too much.
When Women Should Check Their Hearts
Many women in a recent survey didn't know the age when they should begin getting regular heart screenings.
Where You Live Might Affect Your Health
Living in a rural area may mean you face a raised risk of death, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The Benefits of Cutting Down on Salt
A policy that would reduce salt intake by 10 percent over 10 years could save millions of lives around the world, according to a new study.