Health News
Predicting Stroke Re-hospitalization
Certain easy-to-watch factors may predict which stroke patients are at risk of being rehospitalized. Pinpointing those factors can help doctors treat or more closely watch those at the highest risk.
Anxiety, Depression and Gastric Bypass
Gastric bypass may change the way the body processes selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ( SSRI ). This change in processing may result in returning anxiety and depression symptoms in the first month after gastric bypass.
Effective Depression Meds Find a Target
Emerging research has shown a correlation between depression and low testosterone. Now medical experts in Florida say they have discovered the part of the brain which plays a major role in mediating the effects of the hormone.
Mental Illness Drugs and Pregnancy
Approximately two-thirds of all women with a history of mental illness give birth, and it can be tough to figure out which medications should or shouldn't be taken during pregnancy.
Happy Meals can Make you sad
Job loss. Death in the family. Medical condition. Doctors have known forever that these conditions often correlate to depression, but now the experts have found another link: fast food.
Meditate the Pain Away
Those with hectic or stressful jobs may find themselves overwhelmed by anxiety, depression, or stress. Now, scientists are measuring the possible mental health benefits of secular meditation programs.
Sleep Apnea Linked to Depression
Obstructive sleep apnea - when a person doesn't breathe properly and consistently while asleep - has been linked to a long list of health issues. Add depression to that list.
Depression Common Among Stroke Survivors
Feeling a sense of disinterest or hopelessness after a stroke? It may be depression. Stroke or mini stroke survivors are more likely to become depressed as compared to the general population.
Kappa Kappa Opioid Receptor
Opioid receptors in the brain are the target of many legal and illegal drugs, from hospital anesthetics to heroin. Until recently the details of these important receptors has been somewhat of a mystery.
Air Pollution and Newborns’ Emotional Health
Is something in the air affecting kids' behavior these days? Maybe –chemicals from air pollution breathed in by expectant moms may play a part in their children's behavior issues later on.