Health News

Let Sleeping Teens Lie
Teenagers with Type 1 diabetes may not be getting enough quality sleep, leading to higher blood sugar levels and academic and behavior problems.
Some Sadness is OK for Babies
Although postpartum depression is known to negatively impact the mental development of babies, little has been researched regarding when this hindrance occurs.
After Life is Almost Lost
In television series such as Law and Order and CSI, producers tug at the heartstrings of viewers with scenes encapsulating the grief of victims and their loved ones, yet how many understand the real implications of such devastating trauma?
Asleep at the Wheel
As if police officers did not already face enough dangers on the job, they can now add one more hazard to the list: a high incidence of sleep disorders.
Skipping Class Cues Psychiatric Issues
Recent studies found that those with mental health problems miss the most work, and now researchers discovered the same goes for children in school.
Bad Behavior Linked to Suicidal Thoughts
When problem behavior starts showing up early in children, parents and other caregivers should recognize and address it. Kids who show early signs of aggressive or impulsive behavior, sleep problems and depression are more likely to have thoughts of harming themselves.
Fighting Childhood Depression
Kids can have more than a down day; more and more information is coming forth to show the seriousness of childhood depression.
Mood and Anxiety Disorders May Trigger Opioid Abuse
Many people suffering from depression or other mental health issues may turn to alcohol to ease their pain before seeking professional help. New research confirms that these patients are at an increased risk to use opioid drugs as well.
Will Your Drug Work?
With the massive differences in the human genome, prescribing medications can be tricky.  Fortunately, a new discovery may help doctors customize your medication by blood test.  
A Biological Mark for Depression
Depression affects millions of people in the United States, and as soldiers overseas head back to their native shores, it rears its ugly head towards many of them as well.