Health News
Secondhand Smoke May Present Pregnancy Problems
Smoking tobacco during pregnancy has been linked to a host of prenatal and birth issues. Women don't even have to be a smoker to be at risk; secondhand smoke may pose a threat as well.
Birth Control and Obesity Linked to MS
It's not clear what causes multiple sclerosis (MS), an immune disorder that is typically diagnosed between ages 20 to 40. But researchers are seeking more clues.
Flu While Pregnant Might Affect Baby's Mental Health
Previous research established a link between prenatal exposure to infection and later schizophrenia. New research aimed to see if this same link was present for bipolar disorder.
Acetaminophen During Pregnancy Might Affect Child's Behavior
Acetaminophen is the most common over-the-counter pain reliever in the United States, and is generally considered safe for pregnant women to use. A new study, however, showed that the medication may affect a child's behavioral development.
Many Women Not Taking Folic Acid Before Pregnancy
Is it ever too early to start thinking about the health of a child? A new study suggests that more women should be thinking ahead and taking folic acid supplements before they become pregnant.
Mother’s Diet May Reduce Child’s Allergies
Rates of asthma and allergies in children have been increasing. Could what a mother eats when pregnant set kids up for these conditions after birth?
New Mothers May Need Longer Monitoring for Blood Clots
It is normal for new mothers to be at risk for a blood clot for six weeks after giving birth. However, a new study suggests that women may still be at risk after those first six weeks.
The Post-Pregnancy Mistake Half of Women Make
After women give birth, many medical organizations recommend that they visit a doctor to assess any possible health risks. However, few women do.
When To Deliver When Mom's Blood Pressure Is High
High blood pressure-related disorders are among the most common pregnancy complications in the United States. Preterm delivery is often necessary to keep the mother safe and healthy.
Obesity During Pregnancy May Harm the Heart Later
Almost one third of women of childbearing age are obese, which may affect the development of the unborn baby as well as the mother's long-term heart health.