Health News

Fertility Treatment No Problem for Your Heart
Struggling to have a child can take a toll on a person's mind and body, especially if they are undergoing fertility treatments. But the process can pay off with a child — and possibly better health.
The Breast Way to Prevent Breast Cancer
Breast or bottle? That’s one of the most important decisions a new mom makes — for herself and her baby. While there are pros and cons of both ways to nourish a baby, the breastfeeding side got a big boost today.
What You Need to Know Before Ovarian Surgery
About one out of 70 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in their lifetime. Surgically removing the ovaries is one way to prevent this cancer.
Let Me Count the Days 'til the Baby
Common wisdom holds that a pregnancy lasts nine months. Those with experience of actual pregnancies, however, know that the length of time can vary.
How Women Choose: Breast or Bottle
When a new baby is on the way, a mother may think of all sorts of plans she has for her child. But when the little bundle arrives, some of those best laid plans may not pan out.
She's Gone Country — and She's Happy
City life can be more chaotic than country living, with the honking horns, sirens and lights late into the night. Perhaps the more hectic environments of urban areas explain recent findings related to postpartum depression.
Investigating Asthma During Pregnancy
Pregnant women should always let their doctor know about health issues they might have. Often, these issues will not change their healthcare plan. Other times, it may mean more careful monitoring.
What Difference Do Antioxidants Make?
Couples going through infertility difficulties are often anxious to try any possible treatment that may help in conceiving a baby. It's important to know what can actually make a difference in conceiving.
Pregnant Moms Breakin’ a Sweat
High blood sugar among pregnant women can increase the risk of birth complications.  Exercising during pregnancy may be a way to reduce the risk of high blood sugar in the second and third trimester. 
Replacing Hormones after Hysterectomy
After a woman goes through a hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus), she may benefit from estrogen therapy. The estrogen hormone has been shown to lower the risk of a number of health problems in women.