Health News
Sleeping Beauty to Protect the Heart
While some women past menopause have to deal with hot flashes and night sweats, others have to watch their sleeping patterns. How they sleep can affect their heart health.
When Teen Mom Welcomes Baby #2
The number of teenagers having a second baby has dropped since 2007. However, about one in five girls in the US is still having a repeat birth in her adolescence.
Flu During Pregnancy Linked to Bipolar?
Being sick while pregnant certainly isn't fun. Having the flu while pregnant is even worse. But being down with the flu during pregnancy might be linked to longer term concerns, too.
Flame Retardant Chemicals Raise Concerns
Throughout our entire lives, we interact with chemicals. The vast majority of these chemicals do us good or cause no harm. A small number, however, are linked to mental health issues.
Cries from Baby, Tears from Mama
You are a new mom, and your baby cries… and cries… and cries. Nothing you do seems to help. At the very least though, you can watch out for yourself.
When a Period is More Difficult
Dealing with periods can be difficult for some girls and young women. Girls who have certain disabilities might find menstruation more challenging.
Arriving On Time Better Than Too Early
Medicine has advanced considerably in the care of babies born extremely early. However, these babies are still at high risk for long-term problems, and every extra week counts.
Going Against the Flow
Not very many women look forward to their period each month, especially if certain days are heavier than others. This feeling may be common in women around the world.
Pediatricians Weigh in on Home Birth
Home births in the US have been increasing, but how safe is it to have a baby at home? Do these children have less access to emergency care if needed.
Attention to Infertility
Only a small window of opportunity exists each month for families trying to have a baby. Infertility troubles can make it even more difficult to conceive while adding additional stress emotionally and physically.