Health News
Good Night, Sleep Tight — Unless You're Pregnant
Any woman who has been pregnant can tell you that getting enough sleep becomes more challenging as her unborn baby grows. If a pregnant woman has other conditions, the challenge can be even greater.
What Do We Know of Herbs and Breastmilk?
In the US and throughout the world, many women use herbal supplements while they are breastfeeding. It is important to know about the safety and effectiveness of these herbs.
Let Me Count the Days 'til the Baby
Common wisdom holds that a pregnancy lasts nine months. Those with experience of actual pregnancies, however, know that the length of time can vary.
Investigating Asthma During Pregnancy
Pregnant women should always let their doctor know about health issues they might have. Often, these issues will not change their healthcare plan. Other times, it may mean more careful monitoring.
Pregnant Moms Breakin’ a Sweat
High blood sugar among pregnant women can increase the risk of birth complications. Exercising during pregnancy may be a way to reduce the risk of high blood sugar in the second and third trimester.
When Moms Can Give Babies a Shot
Vaccines protect people from diseases. Pregnant women who get vaccinated can pass on that protection to their developing babies. And it seems some of that protection may last even after birth.
What About Ibuprofen During Pregnancy?
Pregnant women must be cautious about the medications they take because of possible effects to the developing baby. Even over-the-counter medications may have long-term effects.
Fewer Moms-To-Be Abusing Booze
Pregnant women have been getting the memo about not abusing alcohol. But higher drug abuse rates among moms-to-be suggest there is still a need for education and support.
Breast is Best for the Brain Too
You may have heard that "breast is best" when it comes to feeding a baby. The benefits of breastfeeding are significant, but it has not always been clear how they extend to a baby's brain development.
A Little Laboring Help From Your Friends
Giving birth can be a beautiful thing for women, but it's rarely easy. Fortunately, there are ways to support women during their pregnancies, labors and deliveries. And that support makes a difference.