Health News

Breast Cancer Survival: Going Up
In many parts of the world, breast cancer may not be quite as deadly as it used to be, according to a new study.
How Walking Might Help Those on Dialysis
A home-based walking program could benefit patients on dialysis both physically and mentally, a new study found.
Safe Smoking? No Such Thing
Even smoking an average of one cigarette or less per day may increase your risk of dying earlier, a new study found.
Depression in Kids: The Early Signs
Children with a family risk of depression may show certain symptoms before the onset of their depression, a new study found.
The Case for Age Restrictions on Tanning
Placing age restrictions on tanning bed use could save thousands of lives, according to a new study.
The Cost of Sleeping Trouble
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared lack of sleep a public health problem — and it's a problem that may cost the economy billions of dollars each year.
When Blood Pressure Readings Aren't Accurate
Your blood pressure in the clinic may not reflect your blood pressure outside the clinic, according to a new study.
Jardiance Gets a New Job
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given Jardiance a new job.
Testosterone, Blood Clots and Time
When it comes to the potential risk of blood clots associated with testosterone treatment, time may play an important role, a new study found.
Younger Smokers May Face Greater Risk
Smoking is dangerous for people of all ages, but younger people who smoke may face higher health risks, a new study found.