Health News

Ovarian Cancer Screening: A Warning
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning about tests being marketed to screen for ovarian cancer.
What Helps After Heart Attack
Invasive coronary strategies may improve survival in patients who have had a myocardial infarction  (heart attack), a new study found.
From Bipolar Disorder to Substance Use
Now there's more evidence to support a link between bipolar disorder and substance use disorder in adolescents, according to a new study. 
Got Peripheral Artery Disease?
Patients with atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease (PAD) saw improved results from revascularization to treat intermittent claudication (IC), a common symptom of PAD, a new study found.
More Cancer Types Linked to Obesity
A new study has linked obesity to eight more types of cancer.
Diabetes Rx Could Fight Heart Disease
A drug often prescribed for type 2 diabetes could fight heart disease in patients with type 1 diabetes, a new study found.
Antibacterial Soaps: Products of the Past?
Whether antibacterial soap is truly safe to use has been a longstanding question — and it's one that may have finally been answered.
There's a New Vaccine This Flu Season
There's going to be a new player in the upcoming flu season.
FDA Approves First Biosimilar Etanercept
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first biosimilar etanercept. 
How Late-Onset Asthma Might Affect Your Heart
Adults who develop late-onset asthma may face a raised risk of heart disease and stroke, a new study found.