Health News

How Healthy Fat Could Save Your Life
After decades of fat-phobic diets, many people still believe that fat intake is what ultimately leads to obesity and related diseases. In reality, the right fats may actually save lives.
Good News for People With Slow Pulses
Patients with an abnormally slow heart rate may have concerns about the potential for complications. But new evidence suggests these patients can rest a little easier.
Diabetes: How Teen Stress Could Predict Adult Risk
Many people believe that a positive mindset can help them overcome disease. New evidence suggests that the power of the mind-body connection may not only be real, it may also be a two-way street.
Zika: There's a New Virus in Town
Mosquitoes aren't just a pesky nuisance on warm summer days — many carry disease. And the newest of these mosquito-borne diseases is Zika virus.
How Regular Exercise Affects Longevity
Couch potatoes, arise and exercise — you have everything to gain, especially when it comes to heart health.
The Dangers of Dining Out
Most people know that eating fast food is a quick way to gain weight. But they may not realize that sit-down restaurants can be just as unhealthy.
New Leukemia Rx Gets FDA Nod
Doctors may now have another tool in their arsenal for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).
Women, Get Your Heartbeat Checked
Women's hearts are not the same as men's when it comes to a condition called atrial fibrillation (Afib).
Who Gets Kidney Stones: The New Trends
Once upon a time, it seemed that only middle-aged men got kidney stones, but that story may be changing.
Healthy Teen, Healthier Adult
Teen habits could cast long shadows for men when it comes to high blood pressure (hypertension).