Health News

Wear Purple for Epilepsy Awareness
November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month, and this year's themes are #DareTo Go the Distance and #DareTo Be Seizure Smart.
What Eye Drops Could Do for Nearsighted Kids
Rates of nearsightedness, or myopia, have increased dramatically over the last few decades. But new evidence suggests that medicated eye drops may be the key to fighting this global issue.
A Shot Against Multiple Myeloma
For multiple myeloma patients who haven't responded to past treatments, a newly approved medication could provide hope.
A One-Step Test to Detect Hep C
Testing patients for hepatitis C infection might have just gotten a whole lot easier.
WHO Calls for Sustained Measles Vaccination
The World Health Organization (WHO) released some encouraging statistics on measles vaccination last week. But this news comes with a call to action.
Antibiotic Resistance: What Everyone Should Know
For years, patients often left the doctor's office with antibiotics for common ailments like colds or ear infections. But this practice might have led to a potentially dangerous new threat: antibiotic resistance.
The Antidote for Blood Thinners
Bleeding can be a major concern for patients taking blood thinners. But what if the effects of these drugs could be safely reversed in an emergency situation?
New Test May Spot Breast Cancer Treatment Resistance
Drug resistance is often inevitable in breast cancer treatment. But a new test may be able to identify which patients have become resistant.
Diabetic Eye Disease Rx Delivers Results
A drug approved to treat a severe diabetic eye disease may soon be able to help with another.
Experimental Lupus Rx Shows Promise
Lupus is a chronic and often disabling disease with very few treatment options. But there may be some hope on the horizon where that is concerned.