Health News

Metabolic Syndrome — A Cardiac Crystal Ball?
A new test may be able to predict whether a child is at risk of heart disease — long before he or she ever develops it.
Flu Vaccine: How a High Dose Could Help Older Patients
The flu can be a major risk for elderly patients. But the type of flu vaccine these patients receive could lower that risk.
Blood Markers Offer Hope for Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease is a growing health problem in the US. But a new discovery may help.
Gender Differences in Heart Attack Survivors
Heart attack survivors are routinely prescribed a cocktail of medications to prevent another cardiac event. But for young women, the situation may be a bit more complicated.
FDA Warns Against Male Enhancement Products
Before you try an "all natural" male enhancement supplement, you may want to take a closer look.
Spreading the Word About Thrombosis
After fracturing her ankle and getting a cast, South African athlete Marie-Victoire Cumming began feeling extreme discomfort in her leg. What she didn't know was that she had a potentially life-threatening condition called deep vein thrombosis.
An Added Benefit of HIV Therapy
Hepatitis B infection can be a serious risk for patients with HIV. But there may be some good news on that front.
Why You Should Wear Your Helmet
The effectiveness of protective headgear in bicycle-related accidents has long been a topic of debate. But new evidence suggests that Mom was right — helmets can save lives.
Primary Care Doctors Spearhead Youth Mental Health Treatment
Children's mental health treatment can be a delicate process — and one in which pediatricians and other primary care physicians may play an important role.
How to Fight Depression After a Heart Attack
After a heart attack, taking care of your body is very important — and so is taking care of your mind.