Health News

The Benefits of Working Hard in the Gym
Exercise is almost never a bad thing, but new evidence suggests that not all exercise is created equal.
How That Cup of Joe Might Perk up Your Heart
In the past, some have raised concerns that coffee could be bad for the heart. Growing evidence, however, suggests that drinking coffee regularly may boost heart health.
Age Restrictions Didn't Stop Teens from Buying E-Cigs
Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, may be increasing in popularity among teens. And teens may not have much trouble buying e-cigs online, despite being underage.
How Height and Weight Could Expose Celiac Disease
Break out the tape measure and scale. Measurements like height and weight could help doctors spot celiac disease earlier in kids.
This Concussion Symptom Tied to Longer Recovery Times
A short-term effect of concussions could be used as an important tool for doctors diagnosing and treating this brain injury.
Nuts for Peanuts? You're in Luck
Bring on the peanut butter sandwiches. Peanuts may be good for your heart.
Setting the Record Straight on ADHD Prevalence
Controversy swirls around whether ADHD is over- or underdiagnosed — bringing into question the real rate of ADHD. New evidence sheds light on the factors that may affect reported rates of ADHD.
New Help for Pain After Breast Cancer Surgery
Having breast cancer is difficult, and pain after breast cancer surgery can make it a double-whammy. A new technique, however, may offer relief.
Risks and Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery Before Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting time, but many women have a few anxious moments. Women who have had weight loss surgery may have more anxious moments than others. Some of those moments, however, may not be warranted.
Greater Suicide Prevention Efforts Needed
Economic and job-related crises affect many people during their lives. For some adults, these crises may lead to self-harm. Fortunately, help is available for those who are at risk.