Health News

Why Education May Trump Required Breast Cancer Screening
It’s a conundrum — dense breast tissue makes it harder to detect cancer in a mammogram, but it also raises the risk of breast cancer. For women with dense breast tissue, breast cancer risk education may help more than required screening.
Common Menopause Therapy May Raise Cancer Risk
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used by millions of women to treat menopause. HRT, however, has been shown to pose health risks, including increasing the chances of getting ovarian cancer.
Women, Sex and Sjogren's Syndrome
Sjogren's syndrome — many have never heard of it. This condition with the hard-to-pronounce name (it's "show-grins") is a common autoimmune disease, however, and it may be linked to sexual problems in women.
Smoking May Be Even Riskier Than Once Thought
Smokers, it’s never too late to quit — and there may now be even more good reasons to do so.
How a Healthy Heart May Keep You Mobile
A heart-friendly lifestyle is one of your best bets for preventing strokes and heart attacks, and it may help many stay mobile and independent for longer as they age.
Good News After Cancer Scares for Hopeful Moms-to-Be
Getting abnormal Pap smear results can be scary — a fear that is sometimes compounded by a fear that follow-up procedures may reduce fertility. New evidence suggests, however, that many women who undergo these procedures can expect joyful surprises later in life.
Ride Your Way to Motor Improvement After Stroke
The last thing you want after a stroke is someone making you ride a bicycle at a fast pace, but that might be just what you need.
Stroke Patients May Need to Put the Brakes on Driving
While some stroke survivors may resume routine activities, not all return to their normal abilities. Even a mild stroke can make driving a dangerous proposition.
Blood Pressure Guidelines Challenged
Stop the presses! New evidence has challenged a previous guideline for recommended blood pressure levels.
How the 'Sun Vitamin' Might Help Stroke Patients
Too much sun can be damaging to skin health, but a little may be just what the doctor ordered for those at risk of a stroke.